

Join us Memorial Weekend, May 25-27, for SUCCULENT EXTRAVAGANZA and experience our vast selection of succulents and cacti at 15% OFF! We hear it every day from our customers that we have the very BEST selection both in variety and sizes available. Terra cotta pottery will also be offered at 15% off since it makes the perfect pairing for succulents and cacti.

EXTRAVAGANZA is also about sharing our knowledge so you can be successful with your plants. Come prepared to take a self paced, learning tour through our “sun exposure” zones so we can teach you about the different light requirements for succulent success in our Sacramento area. Learn about different ways to propagate succulents and why using succulent soil matters. Need some design inspiration? We’ve got beautifully curated arrangement examples in each sun zone to share our design tips.

... and speaking of tips ... wear good walking shoes and consider bringing your own wagon or cart. Bring your camera too as there will be lots to see and draw inspiration from.

Coffee Cart available 10-2 each day.

This Memorial Weekend event is not to be missed. Thousands of succulents, all ready and waiting for YOU! We’re pet friendly, kid friendly, and we'll be handing out a free gift to the first 25 customers on Saturday and Sunday (with $50 purchase). This is our way of saying thank you for choosing to shop with us and keeping it LOCAL!

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